Monday, February 21, 2011

Thanks, and a video-gift.

Thanks to everyone who came out to see The Legend of Johnny 15 at the Parkside Lounge this month. It was a great run! And now The Serious Theatre Collective goes back into their writing hole (a.k.a. The Dublin House) to begin work on the next script and upcoming production.

Oh, and in case you were ever wondering how we went about making the dirty Valentines for our Feb. 14th performance (and we know you were), check out the video below. Basically, it was arts, crafts, R&B ... and a lot of awkward groping.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Serious Theatre Collective from Ricardo Delgado on Vimeo.


  1. O man! I love you guys! Like Bieber loves flatirons I do!

  2. Seriously, how am I just now seeing this?
